There are several silences.
As in noise levels, there are levels of quietude.
Not measured in decibels nor like altitude,
they are perceived through the senses.
First is that which one commonly meets,
the mere temporary absence of sound.
Knowing noise will inevitably return,
true silence pauses and retreats
until the next time 'round
when it gets one more turn.
Another exists only because the din of civilization
has not yet reached it,
not yet engulfed it.
A silence of anticipation.
This silence knows only the muted sounds of nature.
The rippling of the stream,
the haunting cries of the loon,
the pounding footfalls of the elephant.
But true silence will endure.
Absolute silence, it would seem,
does exist.
We are led to it by Kabirian flute
under the rising new moon,
by the buzzing of bees,
by the gnawing of a tiny ant,
by the whispering winds
amongst the morning mist.
Immutable. Incessant. Incorruptible silence.
It is the space between ocean and sea,
the time between the beats of my heart.
It is the period between drops of pure rain
falling from clear, thunderless skies.
First the pitter, then...the patter,
the deluge soon will start!
Flowers stop their turning
as rain comes down in pails.
It is that pause between contraction and expansion of the universe,
that moment before, with tiny arms and legs churning,
a newborn baby wails.
It is the instant after the flash of lightning,
between one wave and the next
as they crash upon the white sand shore.
Between the tic and the toc,
the knock and the knock
upon some distant door.
In these true silences, all nature doth rehearse.
As God's great art was painted in silence,
a canvas waiting for sound,
true silence envelops me in its quiet embrace
and I see the music of the spheres all 'round.
Not one note is louder than silence!
As before Big Bang's creation,
before my first breath
life was spanked into me by noise.
Quiet silence left behind in the womb of space.
Until I return to that greatest of silences,
I am thrust into a life of sound so that,
in its absence, I may find peace in the moment.
If I live for and in those moments between,
if I am fully present then
and in the long progression of silent nows,
I will have a life of quiet bliss and harmony,
ever seeking true silence.
Which is joy.
There are different silences.
Some would say it is simply the absence of sound.
But I rather think sound is the poor absence of silence.
Which is love.
There is more than one silence...
mindbringer, 22 August 2010
Thank you for reminding me that the glue of all existence is silence.
George Bryant
Posted by: Finding God On The Train - Notes On Enlightenment | 08/24/2010 at 04:57 AM
I have not used wordpad before so this is my first post. I am a poet also and I love your writing. I do not know how I stumbled onto you as you were on my screen. I am looking to intelligent like minded people. thankyou for introducing yourself to me. I hope to catch up.
Posted by: Chrztalia Belladio Stelamo | 07/22/2011 at 07:22 PM
Sorry for the very later reply! We have been introduced now but, following the train of thought in your comment, we have definitely not "caught up". Reply here if you wish to continue our conversation! Thank you.
P.S. - all of my work can be read at http://mindbringer.blogspot.com .
Posted by: mindbringer | 08/14/2014 at 04:25 AM